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Summer 2023 Newsletter

Updated: Jun 2, 2023

In this chock-full issue...

  • The Farmers Market is back next month!

  • Thank you, EPNA sponsors, for funding 'Concerts on the Green.'

  • Iconic 'Magic Grove' sculpture to get a touch-up.

  • Bloom and Groom plant sale is coming around again.

  • PLEASE keep dogs leashed and off the racquet courts.

  • Cindy and J.D. Thorne honored for long-term extraordinary fundraising.

  • Here's your chance to hold a 'clearance sale'...

  • ...then take advantage of Dumpster Day to heave the rest of your clutter.

  • WANTED: July 4 event coordinator-in-training.

  • We've got the usual old-fashioned Independence Day morning on tap.

  • Call for EPNA board nominations

  • Wading pool opens June 21.

The Farmers Market returns next month!

After a three-year hiatus due to COVID, our beloved Farmers Market will return this

summer. The market will run for 10 Sundays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. starting on Father's Day, June 18, and skipping the July 4 weekend.

It's not easy to restart an event like this after a long shutdown. Our Farmers Market Committee members have been working since fall to recruit vendors. So far they have lined up sellers of produce, flowers, meat, sweets, popsicles and salsa. Local artisans will be selling jewelry, candles and other crafts.

The committee also plans to have a food truck, fun activities and/or entertainment weekly at the market, which was established in 2016.

"We are happy to take suggestions for vendors and sponsors," said Committee Chair Linda Tanner. "We are especially looking for volunteers for shifts before and during each Sunday market."

To be added to the volunteer list or offer suggestions, email

Thank you, EPNA sponsors, for funding the coming series of Concerts on the Green!

Our summer concert series, now in its 18th year, returns on June 22. For four Thursdays in June, July and August, the park will be filled with music from 6 to 9 p.m. Bring your lawn chair, cooler, neighbors and friends to enjoy this year's stellar line-up:

  • June 22: Paul Cebar Tomorrow Sound, preceded by Charles Barber.

  • July 13: The Best Westerns, preceded by Tangled Lines Trio.

  • July 27: The Donna Woodall Group, preceded by Emmett Mulrooney.

  • August 17: Bockenplautz, preceded by Loud Library.

For more infomation on the performers, visit

This high-quality lineup would not be possible without our generous sponsors. Please try to support these sponsors and thank them for funding Concerts on the Green and all our other EPNA events.

Headline Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

Bunzel’s Meat Market

• Enderis Park Homes-Cheri Kent

• Laura Ashley State Farm Agency

• Structure Properties

• FOCUS Credit Union

• LUMIN Schools-Pilgrim Lutheran

• Kingdom Prep Lutheran High School

• Metcalfe’s Market

Silver Sponsors

• McBob’s Bar & Grill

• The Thistle and Shamrock

• Play It Again Sports (Brookfield)

• Blamer’s Auto Repair

• Lisbon Storm, Screen and Door

• Imprint Digital Printing & Design

• Wauwatosa Veterinary Clinic

• Kim Nistler Shorewest Realty

• Pilgrim Ev. Lutheran Church

• Mother of Good Counsel Church & School

• Salon Flo

Bronze Sponsors

• Divine Savior Holy Angles High School

• Tosa Yoga Center

• St. Camillus Life Plan Community

• Gathering Place Brewing Company

• Delicious Bites

• Premier Eyes

• Lutheran Home & Harwood Place

• Jean Henning Keller Williams Realty

• Plant Joy

• Village Play Cafe

Be sure to listen to our media sponsor, WMSE 91.7FM, for updates, information and music from our featured performers. Follow us on Facebook@enderisparkconcerts, Twitter@enderisCOTG and Instagram@enderisconcertsonthegreen.

Iconic ‘Magic Grove’ sculpture to get a touch-up Enderis Park’s Magic Grove sculpture will get some TLC this summer to restore it to its full glory. While its three whimsical metal trees still look fine to the casual observer, more than 15 years of exposure to the elements have brought some rust and chipped paint that need attention. So don’t be surprised if, sometime between the start of June and the middle of July, you see the area roped off, with scaffolding around the sculpture. The Magic Grove has been a unique focal point of our neighborhood since December 2006. A delight for people of all ages, the work’s giant, colorful trees welcome everyone who encounters them to our special park. Artist Nancy Metz White designed the trio of welded steel trees, benches,tables and stools to serve as both a symbol of and an actual gathering place. They became the centerpiece of a two-year park renovation project that included the addition of the wading pool, volleyball courts, track, park benches and other amenities. The larger project was made possible by the City of Milwaukee’s Department of Public Works, Enderis Park Neighborhood Association (EPNA), and local businesses and neighborhood groups.Selected over other proposals, the sculpture was funded by a grant from the City of Milwaukee Arts Board and private donations. The sculpture was officially dedicated in May 2007 with a celebration (shown in photo) that included remarks by Alderman Michael Murphy and former Mayor Tom Barrett. Its image was included in a series of neighborhood posters designed by Jan Kotowicz in 2015 as part of historian John Gurda’s book Milwaukee: City of Neighborhoods. Sculptor Metz White was an art teacher and lifelong artist who learned to forge flashings recycled from heavy industry at age 45. She also created the sculptures Tree of Life at Bluemound Road and Gen. Mitchell Boulevard, Fantasy Flowers at St. John’s on the Lake, and Helping Hands in Sheboygan. Metz White helped raise the funds for the Magic Grove. After she died in 2018 at age 84, her twin daughters Michele Beaulieux and Jacqueline White remained committed to helping ensure that her work endures. The restoration work is being funded by the Milwaukee Public Schools, City of Milwaukee, EPNA and gifts made in memory of Metz White. It is expected to preserve the sculpture for the next 18 to 20 years. If you would like to designate a gift to support the upkeep of the Magic Grove, now or in the future, visit or write to the Enderis Park Neighborhood Association at P.O. Box 100284, Milwaukee WI 53210.

Bloom and Groom Plant Sale will be here soon. Come early -- they go fast!

Saturday, May 20 8:30* to 10:30 a.m. at the park

EPNA and the City of Milwaukee's Neighborhood Improvement District (NIDC) will again be bringing this popular plant sale to EPNA members** and friends. The sale will feature primarily annuals provided by Minor’s Greenhouse.

The goal of Bloom & Groom is to promote neighborhood beautification by encouraging neighbors to purchase high-quality flowering plants at a very reasonable price. By planting them in our yards and flower boxes, we create beautiful streetscapes, enhancing the beauty of each participating residence and our neighborhood.

*No sales prior to 8:30 am **Current EPNA Members will receive a 10% Discount. Cash or check only

PLEASE keep dogs leashed and off the racquet courts.

We love dogs. And we love seeing so many of them walking their people through our neighborhoods. But we strongly request that all dogs be kept on leash as all times. It's the law, and it's very important for the safety and comfort of all. As one neighbor noted in a message to us, "I'm not afraid of dogs myself, but know that many people are. And no matter how well behaved someone thinks their dog is, what about the other dog?

The other big issue: allowing dogs on the tennis/pickleball courts. There are reasons the sign at the gate says "No dogs allowed." The most serious one is that It's believed their nails are doing damage to the specially treated surface of the courts, which MPS recently spent a large sum of money restoring.

We're fortunate to have the Currie small and large dog parks nearby, at 3535 N. Mayfair Road. Currie and other county dog parks are made for off-leash play. Enderis Park is not.

Please: Keep all dogs leashed. And NEVER take them onto the courts.

Cindy and J.D. Thorne receive special 'Champions Award' for many years of outstanding fundraising

Most of us cringe when we’re asked to help with fundraising. Not fun, right? That’s what makes neighbors Cindy and J.D. Thorne exceptional. They actually enjoy raising money. And Enderis Park has benefitted from that rare enthusiasm for more than 20 years.

Since 2005, Cindy and J.D. have raised a large share of the sponsorship dollars that

fund our concerts and, along with our membership dues, pay for other EPNA activities. They show no sign of letting up. There is certainly work involved, but “It comes naturally,” said Cindy.

To recognize the Thornes’ outstanding long-term fundraising contributions, The EPNA board of directors decided it would be appropriate to create a special award honoring them. Named the Champions Award, it was presented at our annual volunteer recognition event on April 19. “The Concert Committee congratulates the Thornes and thanks them for doing a great job,” committee chair David Hoose said.

The history of the Thornes’ involvement with Enderis Park dates to 1981, when they moved here. Five years later, they moved to their current home on 72nd Street between Hadley and Center streets. “The neighborhood always impressed me,” J.D. said. “The wide streets, the nice homes…It had a vibe that screams, ‘This is a nice place.’ Added Cindy, “It has good bones and friendly, neighborly people who are community-minded.”

Back in 2005, J.D. was reminiscing with Bruce Cameron, EPNA’s former executive director, about the concerts that MPS used to sponsor at the park. “I said it sure would be nice to bring those back,” he recalled. “Bruce said, ‘OK, J.D., you’re in charge of that.’ The first step was to recruit a committee of volunteer neighbors, many of whom like Cindy, Dave Hoose and Steve Prueher -- who’s charge of stage set-up, take-down, and and more -- have been on the Concert Committee since the beginning.”

From a single concert in 2005 featuring Sigmund Snopek, EPNA jumped to offering the current series of four in 2006. The concerts are hugely popular, with the last two of 2022 attracting estimated crowds of more than 1,000. And the line-up keeps getting stronger.

That takes money, of course. Raising it is often “straight-up sales,” said Cindy. She and J.D. often promote sponsorships as smart business moves. And indeed, exposure at the concerts has resulted in substantial business opportunities for some sponsors.

It’s possible you’ll see the Thornes strolling the grounds at the concerts this year, collecting donations in big tip jars from anyone moved to give. If you do, in addition to a few dollars, you might want to give them a big thank-you.

Got stuff just taking up space? Here’s your chance to hold a 'clearance sale.' EPNA annual rummage sale Saturday June 17 - NEW WEEKEND 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Our annual rummage sale is another great neighborhood tradition. Out with your old; in with your neighbors’ old that’s new to you. The more participants, the better -- anyone can put out goods for sale. But if you're interested in advertising your merchandise to attract more buyers, click on Enderis Park Rummage Sale to list what you’ll be selling. Please submit the form by Monday June 12. The list of participating addresses and items for sale will be emailed to EPNA members and posted on Nextdoor and Facebook. Lists will also be distributed to participant homes by June 16. Questions? Contact Lori Sommervold at or 414-445-8742.

Take advantage of 'Dumpster Day' to clean up and clear out.

Saturday, June 24 10:00am to 4:00pm EPNA has arranged with the City of Milwaukee Sanitation Services to provide two dumpsters for our neighborhood cleanup efforts. Use of the dumpsters is limited to disposal of unwanted items by Enderis Park residents as part of the EPNA cleanup effort. These trash receptacles will be placed at the south end of Enderis Park on Locust Street between 71st and 72nd Streets. The following items CANNOT be placed in the containers:

  • Tires

  • Construction debris (lumber, concrete, dirt)

  • Building Materials (roofing, drywall, tiles, paint, etc.)

  • Hazardous Waste (paint thinner, pesticides, used motor oil, etc.)

  • Large appliances (refrigerators, stoves, washers, etc.)

  • Yard waste (tree branches, brush, leaves, grass, and garden debris)

  • Recyclables

  • Electronics (TV's, stereos, computers, printers, DVD players, etc.).

THE BOXES WILL BE MONITORED AND ILLEGAL DUMPING WITH BE REPORTED TO THE MILWAUKEE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Hazardous Waste must be dropped off at one of the Milwaukee Department of Public Works drop-off centers. Find the locations online at

PLEASE NOTE: Many Milwaukee shelters and organizations accept new and gently used donations of clothing, shoes, home goods, furnishings, building materials and other items. Some organizations also offer pick up services.

Wanted: Future July 4 event coordinator

Our July 4 celebration in the park is like the proverbial well-oiled machine. It features popular, time-tested activities, attractions and partnerships that make it easy to stage. We’re looking for a volunteer to shadow EPNA President Pat Yahle this coming July 4 in order to take over the event in 2024. If you are willing to consider stepping in, please contact Pat at or 414.550.3055.

Join us for a neighborly Independence Day morning. Mark your calendar to join us for the traditional Fourth of July Celebration sponsored by the City of Milwaukee and the Enderis Park and Cooper Park neighborhood associations. Even better, volunteer to help us put on this grand morning of traditional Independence Day merriment if you can! Here's the plan and the list of volunteer assignments we're looking to fill:

  • 8:30 am: Parade registration.

  • 8:45 am: Parade begins and proceeds throughout Enderis Park. Entry judging.

  • 9:30 am: Welcome and flag ceremony

  • 9:45 am: American trivia contest

  • 10 am – 12:00pm: Music, games, crafts activities and contests, Americana singalong. Food and beverages available for purchase.

  • 11 am: Parade winners announced and awarded trophies. Milwaukee Police Department squad car display and District 7 information table

  • 11:30 am: Milwaukee Fire Department water cannon display

We'll have free ice cream on hand and hot dogs, bratwurst, chips, water and soda available for purchase. VOLUNTEERS ARE THE HEART AND SOUL OF EVERY EPNA EVENT! Volunteers are needed and welcome as:

  • Grillers (2)

  • Parade judges (4)

  • Food ticket sellers (3)

  • Leaders for carnival games and water balloon toss (10)

  • Food servers (3)

  • Master of Ceremonies and announcers (3)

Please volunteer for all or part of the event if you can and help make this the best 4th of July ever!!! Contact

Call for nominations to the EPNA Board According to the EPNA bylaws Article V1 Section 6:2, nominations for board membership are made either at the June meeting of the association (June 1 this year, starting at 6 p.m. at the fieldhouse) or in a written submission received by the association secretary (Lori Sommervold at prior to the meeting. Election of board members takes place at the July annual meeting, which will be held on July 6 at 6 p.m. at the fieldhouse. If you are interested in the decision-making processes affecting our neighborhood, please consider joining the board. For more information on what board service entails, contact Board President Pat Yahle at

Wading pool will open June 21 Kids ages eight and under can make a splash at the Enderis Park wading pool starting June 21. The pool will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

The Enderis Park Neighborhood Association promotes neighborhood stability and a rewarding quality of life for all by working with neighbors to support and maintain an attractive, diverse, respectful and safe community.

Our mailing address is: or EPNA | PO Box 100284 | Milwaukee, WI 53210.

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