Capital Improvements and
Community Advocacy
Replaced old and faded light pole mounted neighborhood ID signs with new signs highlighting the Magic Grove sculpture.
Initiated concept planning for a new, permanent performance stage in the park.
Organized the neighborhood’s annual spring plant sale in partnership with the City and Minors Garden Center.
Replaced worn out soccer goal net.
Purchased a pickle ball net to be used in conjunction with newly painted pickle ball courts in the tennis court area.
Creation and dedication of a new Playground (Received the 2018 Mayor’s Design Award).
Additions to the Enderis Park Playground Phase 2 (Added west gate entrance to the Splash Pad, benches and mulching).
Little Free Library Dedicated to the literacy effort by Alderman Michael Murphy.
Additional Landscaping at the 68th street and Center Street Monuments.
Maintenance of the green spaces at the 68th Street Monuments, Triangle Park, the 67th Street cul-de-sac, Burleigh Street and Squirrel Park.
Maintenance of the Tennis Courts and Volleyball Courts in Enderis Park.
Replacement of Soccer Goal Nets enjoyed by youth teams and families.
Purchase of additional Portable Tables and Tents for events in the park.
Upgrade of Enderis Park Electric Box for concerts and other events.
Ongoing connection and and Collaboration with the Milwaukee Public Schools Recreation Department, Alderman Michael Murphy’s Office, MIlwaukee Police Department, Milwaukee Fire Department and other city officials to address and resolve neighborhood concerns.
Participation in Neighborhood WatchProgram and Crime and Safety Meetings.
Connection with BOZA- Milwaukee Zoning Board Monitoring and Action.
Maintaining Positive Landlord and Business Relations within the Enderis Park Neighborhood.